I know you've all been anxiously awaiting this post that lets you know a little of my new environs. This is the view out my window, I wake up to it every morning. Just so you know the sun goes down here about 10:00 pm and comes up around 3:30 am. They tell me that I missed the really long daylight hours. Apparently during the winter you can watch as the sun barely rises above the horizon and then sinks in about three hours.
So, this is the front of our house. It's pretty good size with the two upper floors and a full basement.
Here is the front door.
This is a shot of my bedroom from the doorway--yes it's pretty small, but that alright because I left most of my stuff at home anyway.
This is my bed, or you might say the other half of the bedroom.
And this is just a picture of a water-bottle that I bought in Frankfurt. The story is this. I realized that I forget some things about being in Europe after I bought it. In European mineral water the main mineral they add is carbon--that's right it's carbonized. As I was buying it this slipped my mind and I was able to take about three sips before I dumped out the carbonized water and filled it from the drinking fountain.
This is the street on which we live--pretty isn't it?
Next, the Irish Embassy.
And third, the Bulgarian Embassy. I've been told that the bulgarians throw some pretty wild parties--I'll let you know on that one.
This is the pretty, stately house across the street from ours. I love the old architecture here!
So, this gives a little glimpse of my life here in Denmark. The kids are great and Angie and Scott are very nice. I won't start teaching until the test results come back and the materials get here. Contrary to what I've told several people we won't be going to Greece--I know I live a rough life!
Thanks for the pictures!! It's fun to see where you live! It looks so green, so beautiful! So what are you up to between now and when you start teaching??
Awesome. I know what you are going to be doing before you start teaching...writing your first novel under your pen name, Sara Bronte. I know you aren't in England, but the Denmark tales are what will make you famous. That's what I feel like when I see your pictures...
Wow. Great pictures! Thanks so much for posting them! You'll have to post pictures of Scott & Angie & kids!
Very fun! Keep posting so we can feel like we know what's going on with you! And I agree with Diane--we'd love to see pics of our long-lost cousin & his family!
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