Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (since I will experience it first this year)! I sure do love and miss my family and friends. Being an ocean away sure does make you realize how much you miss when you're not there.

Also, just wanted to let you know that this Christmas will be a completely different story from last year which was spent watching seasons one and two of Bones (pretty much all day, every day). We (and by "we" I mean I) will be teaching the kids pretty much straight through the holidays. We are taking the day off tomorrow (Christmas Day) and New Year's day. But Angie and Scott want it that way so this is what we're doing.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Shake Down

In my normal morning routine I wake up, shower, then read my scriptures before finishing the get-ready process. I leave about 30 minutes for scripture reading even though it rarely takes me that long to read. So, when I'm finished reading I take a mini-morning siesta (can you call it a siesta if it's in the morning?). Well, during my mini-morning siesta on Tuesday, there was this weird rocking/shaking. And then we come to find out that there was a 4.7 magnitude earthquake in Malmo, Sweden. Yeah, that's the first earthquake I've ever been in--or at least that I can remember feeling. Be glad that I'm not dead.