So I was kind-of waiting to post until I had three comments on my Pay-it-Forward post and then I decided that I was right when I wondered if anyone would want anything I will make. Just you wait until you see what I make for Lynette, you'll all wish you'd signed up when you had the chance.
Anyway, this is what I've been up to. Teaching, teaching, teaching. People keeping asking me and this is really the main thing that I do. I have been able to make some sightseeing trips but will post some of those pictures later. Just so you know, I'm alive and well. And although some of you seem to think that when I said "I don't want to sound trunky," I meant that I was. I'm not. I am still having a great time (that was not said, thought or typed in a defensive manner). Every time I walk down the street, get on a bus or go to church, I still think, "Wow, I'm living in Denmark! How many people EVER have the opportunity to say that?" Don't worry, I know that it's not that many because there are only about 5 million people that live here. Guess what? It's my birthday month!
Top 20 TV Shows I Watched in 2024
2 months ago
Happy Birthday! I'll try and call you in 2 days!
Yes, Happy Birthday! I don't know if we will be able to talk to you today, but we've got something planned, so watch your email!
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